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Accelerating Your Success...
GPS for executives navigating change. # #

Change the right facets of your business, at the right time, and in the right way to consistently achieve desired results.

Produce faster transitions on-time, on-budget with minimal disruption using our customizable process and defined roadmap.

ClearPath Alliance provides a flexible, collaborative approach for leading, aligning, and communicating change. We use a holistic methodology based on our simple, yet very powerful, 5-C Managed Change model. Our experience is that effective change occurs when vision informs motivation, and skills and resources support actions.

Based on your unique situation, we will deliver exactly what is needed to maximize your time and drive measurable results.  Key steps include:

  • Clarify: why now, how come, for who, benefits, impact
  • Capability: what is working, what is not, enablers, barriers
  • Choices: expectations, options, risks, agreements
  • Create: goals, project plan, measures, authority, accountability
  • Continuity: communication, key roles, align behavior/goals, ensure positive momentum

We will provide you with options for action, and recommendations to position you and your business for future success.

Value to your organization may include the following:

  • Align the leadership team and key stakeholders
  • Drive change with minimal disruption and variance
  • Build commitment, support, and advocacy
  • Anticipate and manage unexpected side effects
  • Ensure employees have the required skills and priorities for change

To learn more about how we approach sustainable change, click on our PDF article "A Better Way for Change", or read about our Client Impact. And, if you are ready for an initial consultation, please contact us today.

“Jeff possesses a rare and genuine capability: he can simultaneously address the strategic view AND anticipate the details and trade-offs associated with successful implementation.”
Judy I.
Issokson & Associates

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